
Pollutants of Concern Toolkits
Campaign Toolkits
Find social media content and downloads to share here: Campaign Toolkit (
Outreach Toolkit
Clean highways. Clean waterways. Let’s get there together by encouraging small actions that make a big impact to protect our waterways. Utilize the Caltrans Stormwater Program’s FREE outreach toolkit for social media posts to spread the word to your network.
Free Outreach Toolkit: Outreach Toolkit (
Trash Talk Videos
Press Kit
Media contacts looking for more information about the Stormwater Public Education Campaign may download the press kit, which includes:
- Stormwater News Release - Rain Brings Renewal, But Also Toxins: How Californians Can Keep Their Water Pollutant-Free This Summer, June 5, 2023 (PDF)
- Stormwater News Release - "Let’s Change This to That", October 4, 2021 (PDF)
- Stormwater News Release - SPANISH - "Cambiemos Esto a Eso", October 4, 2021 (PDF)
- Stormwater Frequently Asked Questions (PDF)
- Stormwater Frequently Asked Questions - SPANISH (PDF)
Stormwater Links
In the News
Read about the Caltrans Stormwater Public Education Campaign in the news! See how Caltrans is working to keep our waterways clean. New mentions, articles and more are listed below.
- September 17, 2022 - News Release: “Trash Castle” at Huntington Beach Brings Attention to Stormwater Pollution on Coastal Cleanup Day
- September 17, 2022 - Comunicao de Presna: El Castillo de la Basura o“Trash Castle” en Huntington Beach, hace un llamado a la concientización sobre la contaminación de las aguas pluviales en el Día de la Limpieza Costera
- May 3, 2022 - News Release: Caltrans Spotlights Top Six Pollutants Degrading California’s Water Quality
- May 3, 2022 - Comunicao de Presna: Caltrans da a Conocer los Seis Contaminantes Principales que Degradan la Calidad del Agua de California
- October 4, 2021 - News Release: Caltrans Encourages “Let’s Change This to That” in New Anti-Litter Campaign Focused on Water Quality
- October 4, 2021 - Comunicao de Presna: Caltrans anima a “Cambiemos Esto a Eso” en una nueva campaña contra la basua centrada en la calidad del agua
Disposal Sites
Looking for a disposal facility in your district or wondering when the next free dump day is? Below are a few facilities near major cities where you can safely dispose of waste:
- District 1 - Eureka: Del Norte, Humboldt, Lake, and Mendocino counties
- District 2 - Redding: Lassen, Modoc, Plumas, Shasta, Siskiyou, Tehama, and Trinity counties
- District 3 - Marysville / Sacramento: Butte, Colusa, El Dorado, Glenn, Nevada, Placer, Sacramento, Sierra, Sutter, Yolo, and Yuba counties
- District 4 - Bay Area / Oakland: Alameda, Contra Costa, Marin, Napa, San Francisco, San Mateo, Santa Clara, Solano, and Sonoma counties
- District 5 - San Luis Obispo / Santa Barbara: Monterey,San Benito, San Luis Obispo, Santa Barbara, and Santa Cruz counties
- District 6- Fresno / Bakersfield: Fresno, Kern/Western, Kings, Madera, and Tulare counties
- District 7 - Los Angeles: Loa Angeles and Ventura counties
- District 8 - San Bernardino / Riverside: Riverside and San Bernardino counties
- District 9 - Bishop: Inyo, Kern/Eastern, and Mono counties
- District 10 - Stockton: Alpine, Amador, Calaveras, Mariposa, Merced, San Joaquin, Stanislaus, and Tuolumne counties
- District 11 - San Diego: Imperial and San Diego counties
- District 12 - Orange County: Orange County
Permits and Additional Information
Keeping our stormwater clean takes a lot of work. Below are requirements and permits in place to regulate and manage our stormwater.